Sunday Worship | Teen Ink

Sunday Worship

January 21, 2015
By faithwalker_1796 GOLD, Webb City, Missouri
faithwalker_1796 GOLD, Webb City, Missouri
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"everyday is a new day"- 100 years
"day is over, night has come. Today is gone, what's done is done. Embrace your dreams through the night. Tomorrow come with a whole new light"-Unknow

The sanctuary fills up with people saying,”Hello, good morning.” and, “How are you?”. Cheerful smiles line up the rows of movie theater style seats.
In the eyes of every other person there’s a deep sadness hidden within them.
There is an underlying sense that maybe the pastor’s sermon will help them get rid of their pain and be healed by the word of God.
The worship team starts playing their instruments filling the sanctuary up with an optimistic beat. Some people clap their hands to the beat of the drums.
Others close their eyes and pray.
The worship leader starts to sing into his familiar microphone.
The lyrics of how God’s love is light in the darkness bounces off onto the walls into people’s hearts.
The people of the church lift their hands up offering their all to God.
Saying a prayer in their heads that’s all they need is Jesus.
The upbeat music slows down to a swaying rhythm.
Everyone moves to the beat either with their hands on their hearts or smiling up to God, thanking him.
The pastor walks on the stage and starts his sermon.
Every person in the sanctuary has their hearts filled with the unbreakable love and overwhelming joy giving their praises to an amazing God.
Now the people wait eagerly for the message that will lift them up even more.

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