Little White Blip | Teen Ink

Little White Blip

February 3, 2015
By kdailey SILVER, Branchburg, New Jersey
kdailey SILVER, Branchburg, New Jersey
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If ever there was a time to follow your passion and do something that matters to you, now is that time.

Cold, dark, icy night,
With clouds grey and black.
Staring, smiling,
At the frozen window
With quiet, dejected heartbeats.

Heartsick tears freeze
Before they can drip
Onto hard asphalt
With forlorn cries
And lamenting shouts.

Violent messages leap from the bridges,
Threatening quotes pounce at me from the sidewalk.
Horrifying images glare from the tunnel entrance.

But so do peaceful messages.
So do comforting quotes.
So do beautiful images.

A starless night, a stormy sky,
Alight with the light of a candle,
A candle of hope.

A small smile stops the tears.
I see a tiny white blip in the sky, a star.
Then millions, galaxies and galaxies of little white dots.
Then I don’t feel like my very mistake is so significant.

I’m just another little white blip in a sky of billions.

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