The Star | Teen Ink

The Star

February 23, 2015
By Riya Patel SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
Riya Patel SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It has been sixteen years now,
It has been sixteen years since I have seen you.
I step outside at night and look at the sky,
There is a star always there, and that star is you.
The star always shines brighter when I go see it,
And I beg it to take me to you.
I beg it to take me to the other side,
Where you are, where there is silence.
Where there is no technology,
And the sky is serene.
Where the tree is greener,
And there is no coldness in the atmosphere, even no frost on the flower petal.
Take me to the mountains and the quiet rivers,
Where you can even hear the murmur of the water.
I want to hear the birds chirp,
It is quiet impossible in today’s traffic.
I want to lay in the garden, and see infinite stars, not just only you,
I want to wake up every morning to the sun kissing my face and blossom surrounding me.
Take me to the peaceful world,
And bring me closer to God.
Ah, only if that could happen,
But Mother Nature will not let that happen.
For now I will find peace in my surroundings,
Letting the storm give me vitality and the fresh air giving me vigor.
It will be my getaway,
Till I can join you in the night sky.

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