Be a Considerate Chewer | Teen Ink

Be a Considerate Chewer

April 6, 2015
By s23732 SILVER, Wilmington, Massachusetts
s23732 SILVER, Wilmington, Massachusetts
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Smack smack
Goes Mack
Chomping and chewing
Tediously teething
The flavored rubber between his teeth

Smack smack
Goes Mack
Huffing and puffing
Infallibly inflating
The rubber bubble between his lips

Smack smack
Goes Mack
As my hand hits the side of his cheek
"Chew quieter!" I say
As I sit back down in my seat

The author's comments:

To all those people who obnoxiously chew gum loudly, please be considerate and chew quieter. Sincerely, Everyone.

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