The Crazy Dog I Used To Know | Teen Ink

The Crazy Dog I Used To Know

May 6, 2015
By Anonymous

The crazy dog i used to know.

his name was as wonderful as

the blue sky. People say he is mean

for the way he protected

his owner.


They say he bit someone in 

the neck and killed them,

but for me he was as sweet

as honey that came from

pretty flowers.

He stayed with me at my

house. Protecting the house like 

it is family.


Two months later, the house 

was a mess. The sky was cloudy.

No dog to be seen.

Where could he be, i looked every-

where, except for one spot,

which people are forbitted to be.

I looked and saw him laying

there not moving a thing.

I go around the corner,

him laying there, so dead, I cried.


Why did he die?

For he was the best.

I'll miss the fun from

him, nothing will be the

same. I'll miss you pal, hope to see you 

soon, when I write this

poems that you fall asleep to time after time.



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