Astrology | Teen Ink


May 18, 2015
By RebeccaRochelle SILVER, Summerfield, North Carolina
RebeccaRochelle SILVER, Summerfield, North Carolina
6 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Be confident in yourself

Mysterious bounty befalls you!

You'll be thankful and greatful

You can't control what other people say

But you can live a life

There are some things

Like love and hate


The music is influencing you

Whether you want it to or not

If you trust too much

You made be lead astray

If you don't trust enough

You'll be isolated


There is some funny business afoot

So keep your eyes peeled


First World problems are a joke

Books can be like people you know

Consider that sometimes the best way to help

Is by not helping

You can't go wrong if you steer towards those whose default happens to be rather pleasant


But when you can't do that

You fit your skills and talents to the activity at hand

Thus mulitplying them


There is a lot of life in the past

Some of it is begging for a visit

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