Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 17, 2015
By Brianna16 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Brianna16 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from yellow and white-blotted painted walls,
painted by Sherry and Joe,
a feeling like fall.
I’m from a green grass, open land and a ripe pear tree
in the front of my chestnut house,
the shingles, bold in the sun.
I’m from a summer day with two acres of land
relaxing in the heated pool
sunkissed by the sun.

I am from hanging out with friends,
from laughing like comedians.
I am from family dinners,
from “Are you gonna eat that?”
as an Italian family would say while they are eating.
I am from watching movies together as a family,
celebrating holidays and birthdays,
from supporting one another when a family member is having a bad day at work or school.

I’m from blonde, curly hair
that bounces when walking.
I’m from baby blue eyes
like the salty blue Pacific Ocean.
I’m from tan skin glistening,
from laying out with the fresh air.

I am from winning state cup three years in a row
screaming and jumping with my teammates.
From moving into a brown house in Pewaukee
with having no stove for a week.
I am from Sherry and Joe and Joey,
the people who inspire my life.

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