Everyday struggle of a Teenage Girl | Teen Ink

Everyday struggle of a Teenage Girl

October 9, 2015
By Meg.don BRONZE, Flushing, Michigan
Meg.don BRONZE, Flushing, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I walk into class,
Sit alone.
I have been stereotyped,
Unable to make new friends.
I am the quiet smart girl,
No one wants to talk to
Unless they want my answers.
Feeling left out, lost, not knowing where I belong.

My “friends” never invite me places
They do their own thing,
Without me.
Feeling left out.

I am a teenage girl
Lost in teenage years.
I don’t know what I want,
Who is there for me,
and who is not.
Feeling lost. 

If my “friends” don’t want to see me,
Are they really my friends?
There are so many cliques,
And I am between a few.
I don’t want to belong to just one,
But I do.
Not knowing where I belong.

Feeling left out, lost, not knowing where I belong.
It’s an everyday struggle,
but its not just me.
It’s an everyday struggle of a teenage girl.

Used a line by *Artist*, Middleburg, NY.

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