Summer | Teen Ink


October 16, 2015
By NicoleJolene GOLD, Napa, California
NicoleJolene GOLD, Napa, California
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Summer is not a season. She is an essence, a feeling, a presence in the air. She has her own smells and sounds. She whispers words through the leaves of the trees, be honest, be kind, be free. She sings in the wind chimes that dance in the breeze and send a ripple down your spine because you know that sound, that music of childhood magic that played in the background when you swam in the ocean and your shining golden hair swirled around your head and followed the trail of your scaly mermaid tail. And then the ocean was just a hole in the ground filled with chlorine and you had two left feet. But the wind chimes still sang, their notes dance on your spine and get lost on the way to your heart.

The air is ripe with jasmine and berries and honeysuckle. Dawn arrives early to greet her with the sun and there is a newness about each day with the essence of opportunity and optimism and hope. Here in the early moments of morning when the sun is just peaking through, Summer listens to your hopes and your fears and all your doubts, and she tells you it’s okay, that it will all work out. That pain you felt last night, well that is in the past, you must let it go and understand this will not last. You must spend your days the way you wish to spend your life, to do anything else will simply not suffice. The crickets serenade her in a low symphonic hum, and it drifts along the breeze playing nature’s finest song. They play a finale, as the moon rises in the sky, and the stars applaud the tune, and wish you a good night. And the lullaby continues, it guides you in your dreams, and you wake to the morning chillness that greets you in your sheets. And the feeling then returns, and only she can make it so, and none of this you realize unless you’ve got the magic in your soul.

Summer, she is magic, her smell, her voice, her touch. You must keep the magic in you, don’t let the world dry you up. You must keep the magic in you, it’s all that this life is worth. You must keep the magic in you and return it to the earth. Summer, she is magic, but trust, you must believe. Do not let it leave you and you will have all that you need.

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