Wednesdays | Teen Ink


November 4, 2015
By Caroline.16 GOLD, Jacksonville, Florida
Caroline.16 GOLD, Jacksonville, Florida
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It all started on August 1st 1934, a Wednesday.
Out every day, picking cotton and harvesting the food.
Seven other siblings waiting at home, a family of ten total.
Their relationship started in 1957, love at first sight.
Parenthood then came along with three children, now grown.
Their marriage ended, 10/7/01 due to the death of her, leaving him a widow
Grandchildren keeping him company; four total.
But even with them a void remained in his heart, for he had lost his true love of forty four years.
He grew weak and started to be very fragile
Hospitalized for a month- the last seven in ICU.
Visits from family on a daily basis, not knowing what else to do
Hooked up to many machines that is keeping him alive.
He wrote on the paper-“Time to let go; I love yall.”
The life slowly faded and on 2/5/14 he was with my grandma for eternity.
But who knew it would begin on a Wednesday and end on a Wednesday.

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