Early Winter | Teen Ink

Early Winter

November 30, 2015
By Libster GOLD, Ormond Beach, Florida
Libster GOLD, Ormond Beach, Florida
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s here.
The end of November,
the beginning of December.
The temperature finally drops to
a bone-chilling 68°.
So cold.
However will we stay warm?

After months of crippling heat
celebrate the tiniest glimpse
of cold, decking lamp posts with
festive snowflakes,
mocking that the last time
it snowed was
a tiny flurry of
frost back in 2008.

What we lack in the area
of an actual White Christmas
we make up in spirit,
with houses,
apartment complexes,
parks and entire streets
covered in twinkling lights
as soon as December arrives,
bringing back the magic
of the holidays
we all knew as children.

So maybe it’s not a
White Christmas here in Florida,
and our winters are about as cold
as some summers up north,
but early winter means magic here,
and everywhere,
even though most of us
are still wearing shorts.

The author's comments:

It's the start of winter now, and even though Florida hasn't really felt the cold weather, we've felt the holiday cheer!

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