The Hanging Gardens of Babylon | Teen Ink

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

December 1, 2015
By 6hospel GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
6hospel GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Wedding bells chime.
Amytis and Nebuchadnezzar II unite as one,
A feast of celebration.

All is seen as political gain.
Babylonia and Medes come together as allies.

A flat landscape full of dust and sand,
no mountains to remind Amytis of home.
She misses her home dearly.

Nebuchadnezzar devises a plan;
he orders men to create an enchanting garden.

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon emerges.
Soaring pillars reach for the sky,
as plants cascade from the terrace.

With breathtaking beauty it stands tall,
until the earth trembles and the stone pillars crumble.

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