Sturdy Relationship | Teen Ink

Sturdy Relationship

January 6, 2016
By kailag16 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
kailag16 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A Recipe for a Sturdy Relationship


Acres of love
Miles of laughter
Oceans of trust
A whisper of fighting
Loads of gifts
Galaxies of hugs
Moments of endless car rides
A pile of memorable songs
4 crates of life changing obstacles
2 sprinkles of jealousy
1 inch of worry
Valleys of tender loving care
Trucks full of embarrassment

With your acres of love automatically comes with miles of laughter and oceans of trust. This also comes along with a whisper of fighting, followed up by loads of gifts and combining galaxies of hugs. Stir in moments of endless car rides with a pile of memorable songs. Mix 4 crates of life changing obstacles that most likely go hand in hand with 2 sprinkles of jealousy and 1 inch of worry. But in the end, after dropping the last trucks full of embarrassment, adding valleys of tender, loving, care, you will end up with a sturdy relationship.

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