Christmas Puppies | Teen Ink

Christmas Puppies

January 5, 2016
By 6mcanany GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
6mcanany GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

First take a mound of happy, mingle it with a dab of ooey gooey love into a large bowl.  Whisk until it turns into an attic full of scentful beauty.  In a separate bowl measure out a dash of our best homemade inside jokes and sprinkle armfulls of  laughter upon these.  This will then format into the wonderful dough of old birthday videos.  After you have done this, you will sift the two bowls until they combine and compact into the presents of imagination and wonder.  Spray the pan with a hint of international phone calls,a spritz of remembrance, and lastly the great seasoning of firewood.  This gives it the abundant scent of caroling.  You should then mold the dough onto the pan and bake at the temperature of 12-25 degrees.  After you will see that the dough has transformed into the family full of christmas joy.

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