I am a computer | Teen Ink

I am a computer

January 5, 2016
By PridefullySolo GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
PridefullySolo GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A computer intelligent to say the least.
A computer gives answers to questions people seek.
A computer retains information to set minds to peace.
A computer is only as useful as one allows it to be.

A computer perceived to be like a friend.
A computer provides its limited time and will overextend.
A computer produces solutions to help amend.
A computer proceeds till its end.

Like a computer I’m as useful as I’m allowed to be.
Like a computer I work until I successed.
Like a computer I can be a friend.
But like a computer if pushed too long it will be the end.

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