Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

February 9, 2016
By 6amandah SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6amandah SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from  

“I love you always”      
Family of four: mom, dad, sister and me...
I’m from
Making creative arts and crafts,“Go Tell it on the Mountain” and talking about God,
going to church at Divine Redeemer, (almost) every Sunday...

I’m from
Not letting the blown up balloon touch the ground,
because the ground was ‘lava’...

I’m from
“It’s better to be too early than late”
being, at least, ten minutes early…

I’m from 
A cabinet filled with colorful corky cups,
but my family still grabs our favorite one... 

I’m from
Mom’s meals that make my stomach happy when I sniff in coming down the stairs,
but, I still going for oven made chicken nuggets...

I’m from 
Being with family, going out to eat, watching TV, and living with them, 
going up north to our cabin twenty minutes away from Minocqua with cousins...

I’m from 
Having a sister who’s two years older than me,
to being the ‘only child’ when she happily went off to college in North Carolina...

I’m from
“I love you to the moon and back”          
with the extended family close and loving by making time to see each other...

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