Keep On | Teen Ink

Keep On

March 15, 2016
By EllieR BRONZE, Falmouth, Maine
EllieR BRONZE, Falmouth, Maine
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Keep on moving,

but don’t look back.
Keep on fighting,
but don’t attack.

Keep on singing,
but disguise your voice.
Keep on choosing,
but consider your choice.

Keep on crossing,
but look both ways.
Keep on buying,
but make sure he pays.

Keep on living,
but stay on edge.
Keep on jumping,
but find the right ledge.

Keep on leaving,
but never venture far.
Keep on walking,
but always have a car.

Keep on knowing,
but do not tell a lie.
Keep on begging,
but don’t let them see you cry.

Keep on asking,
but make your questions wise.
Keep on answering,
but watch your answers size.

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