Thoughts of elsewhere | Teen Ink

Thoughts of elsewhere

April 16, 2016
By coolcats611 BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
coolcats611 BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
3 articles 2 photos 0 comments

A pile of dirty dishes sit in the sink.
The sink rests in the kitchen of a tiny fourth floor apartment.
The sound of cars whizzing by and the blinding street lights make it hard to sleep.
Is night, the earliest hours of a new day.
The apartment is liked by the glow of the an overcharged computer sitting on the kitchen table.
Next to the table is a single chair that is yet to be pushed in since breakfast.
There is no TV.
Just a couple of armchairs surrounding a coffee table.
The table is covered in piles of books that aren't on the shelves by the unmade bed.
The apartment is silent and a girl sits on the fire escape looking out at the city.
Just to get away from the thought of the dirty dishes.

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