Hiding | Teen Ink


April 21, 2016
By heather444 SILVER, Shrewsbury, New Jersey
heather444 SILVER, Shrewsbury, New Jersey
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Right now I am hiding

I am hiding from my fears
For my fears are to great to confront
And too complex to explain

I am hiding from my mistakes
Because it doesn’t feel right to look back upon myself
And judge myself for what I have done that is not like me

I am hiding from my regrets
Because I will never be able to take it back
Even though that is all that I ever want

I am hiding from my secrets
Though my secrets sometimes try to hide from me too
But I have hid with my secrets forever
And I just want to let go of them

I am hiding from my dark side
I know I have a dark side inside of me
But I plan to keep it hidden
Until I really need to use it

I am hiding from my hatred of others
Because I know that others are hiding from their hatred of me
And all of us hate to be hated

I am hiding from my anger
Even though I know that my anger will find me hidden
And my anger will tear me apart
Until nothing is left
Except anger

I am hiding from my worries
Because your worries can tear you down
And the more that you think about your worries
The more you have to worry about

So please don’t tell them
Please don’t tell them where I am hidden
For I want to stay hidden from them as long as I can
Even though I know
That I can’t stay hidden forever

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