Eyes In a Family | Teen Ink

Eyes In a Family

April 21, 2016
By 6amandah SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6amandah SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Eyes, eyes. What can be so significant about them? They tell a story about you. The way the sparkle like stars in the night's sky.  They way they have color like the sky, grass, or even cinnamon. My dad has eye color of a cub that is in the forest. Then my mom has eyes of a clam ocean. My sister has eyes look like fresh kiwi. Mine, mine are the color of coconuts.
Eyes are a wonderful thing. They let you see the world clearly. They show warmth of caring. On the other hand, they also show when someone is angry as the ocean on a stormy night. Let you see clear crisp colors. Eyes are a wonderful thing.
Being “blind as a bat” is a true statement. All four members have vision that keeps on getting worse. Each time we go to the eye doctor, my eyes get worse. Eyes don't listen to me when I tell them to stop, being only 17 and having negative ten vision is like pouring your cereal into a bowl and realizing you have no milk-- not good. From glasses to being fixed, eye check ups, new contacts, more contacts, the eye doctor is a second home. Eyes are very important. There are so many color combinations and shades of colors.

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