Strawberry Air | Teen Ink

Strawberry Air

October 24, 2016
By Alex_Writer GOLD, West Palm Beach, Florida
Alex_Writer GOLD, West Palm Beach, Florida
18 articles 0 photos 22 comments

Favorite Quote:
"In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility." ~Eleanor Roosevelt

you caught my breath
bottled it
and kept it by your bedside
sweetened it with cherries-
or strawberries
and sipped it,
when your lungs were dry
and when you ran out
i simply exhaled
but mama knew i was dying
and i pretended to cry
so that the whole world could hear
because you couldn’t
and then i was wasting my oxygen
on crying
when you wanted to sip
my strawberry sweetened air
you said--
its oh so unfortunate
that we must die
and that we, so important,
are just mere lies
but couldn’t you see that it was i
boundlessly impatient
on your bedside
sipping sweet tea and liquor
to pass the time
because the pain of breathing
bland air
was to much to bear
so i walked out in the pouring rain
and looked upon this darkened sunset
and simply cried
i let my sweet scented tears fall,
kissing the rain
because all this pain
--oh this torture
that you could never see
past the fog of desires
through your beautiful, selfish eyes
…but its okay
so i breathed out for you
and bottled
my strawberry sweetened air

The author's comments:

I based this poem off the act of individuals taking advantage of others.  Those individuals may not be able to see the harm they are causing.

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