Unexpected Hero | Teen Ink

Unexpected Hero

December 15, 2016
By Kat8899 BRONZE, Foristell, Missouri
Kat8899 BRONZE, Foristell, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Seven years old
My world was crashing.
You stole my mom,
Then locked me in this strange new place.
I didn’t quite understand yet,
but your intentions were good.

You see,
I never had a man to look up to,
How was I supposed to know?
You just wanted to be a role model.

I used to say “I hate you” ,
But now I have nothing but thanks.
He left
he never came back.
But here you are,
You always have my back.
Influencing me to do my best,
And pushing me to my limits.
Not only are you an amazing Dad,
You’re my rock,
My best friend,
My biggest fan,
But most importantly you’re my hero.

The author's comments:

My dad was never around when I was younger. When my step dad first came around, I didn't want to accept what was happening. I soon realized that he was the best thing that could have happened to me and my mom.

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