My Future Poem | Teen Ink

My Future Poem

October 2, 2017
By donovan2 BRONZE, Oak Park, Michigan
donovan2 BRONZE, Oak Park, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Someday I see myself
Probably with kids
Someday I see myself
Probably married
Someday I see myself
In my own house

Someday I see myself
With a career
Someday I see myself
In the army
Someday I see myself
Going to new England

Someday I see myself
With more money than I have
Someday I see myself
With four cars
Someday I see myself
With a ram 1500 4X4 R/T

Someday I see myself
Living out of Michigan
Someday I see myself
On an island
Someday I see myself
Traveling a lot

Someday I see myself
Better in life
Someday I see myself
Achieving more of my goals
Someday I see myself
Out of school!

The author's comments:

A writers device I used was alliteration, I used that because it seemed more easier for me than the other ones. And I used punctuation at the end when I said ‘Out of school!’, I used that exclamation point because its excitement I am going to be excited when I’m done with school completely.

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