Untitled | Teen Ink


March 16, 2018
By purpleflower3 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
purpleflower3 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The therapist told her to write her feelings to help the process of healing.
That Tuesday, though, she wrote further than her feelings.
Covering the paper with wicked words in ink and a plan, she intended to end it all…
Wednesday morning she woke up,
but with the ink being found, and her mother fell to the ground.
Her parents tried to care, but transpired clueless.
The only person who didn’t think Tuesday was a concern, was herself.
She burned the paper and pretended like it never existed.
But, the paper is never what mattered. The ink still screams and sadly survives.

The author's comments:

This is an entry for the Ink poetry contest. 

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