Hostage. | Teen Ink


May 14, 2018
By Vertigo. BRONZE, Ankeny, Iowa
Vertigo. BRONZE, Ankeny, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
When life hands you lemons, make pineapple juice, and let the world wonder how you did it. -Me.

I wake up in a pitch black room. I'm sitting down, and I can’t move. I'm obviously locked in. I can hear yelling, and a jiggle of a nearby doorknob. I can’t make out the voices. Just mumbling. I look up and there is a shadowy figure standing in front of me. I immediately break down in tears after I see the gun its hands, and finger on the trigger. A sudden shock fills my body. Over, and over, and over again. I see the thing raise the gun so the barrel is planted on my forehead.  The yelling at the door gets gradually louder with pounding fists hitting the wood. Still frozen in shock, my whole life flashes before my eyes. I see all my family members. I see my happy moments of school crushes, family vacations, and summertime with my friends. Then I remember the bad moments. My dad, not coming home. My school crushes dumping me and leaving me to drift afloat in a river. My family vacations ending with me and my mom at each others throats. And my friends purposely ditching me, because I didn’t make the cut. I flash back to see the side of the barrel of the gun still towards me. The people at the door in as much of a panic as me. I think of nothing but the bad memories. Maybe this bullet to my head would clear me of my regrets. I have too many to count. Another flash. This one lights up the room i'm in. I'm sitting in my bedroom. The door on my right is locked. The pounding is still there. I look forward. The mysterious figure is gone. But the gun still remains in place with my finger on the trigger instead. The tears from the figure torturing me still remain. The voices become clearer. Its my parents. They are begging me to open the door. On the side of me a note is written. Is it from the shadow figure? No. It’s a suicide note. Maybe the bullet would help. Maybe. But who am I to assume things. I'm just a hostage...

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