Black Roses | Teen Ink

Black Roses

March 1, 2016
By mizhang2005 BRONZE, Pleasanton, California
mizhang2005 BRONZE, Pleasanton, California
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Are we nearing the end?

Is this happening again?
People turning away,
Not a word to say.
I thought we were different,
Flowing with the current.
Unconditional love,
Peaceful like a dove.

And now…
Everywhere I look are
Petals in the wind,
Roses turning black,
…so black.

I gave you my all,
I just wanted a call.
Ignorance at best,
Hurting in my chest.
I’m feeling betrayed,
You should have stayed.
Left me in the dark,
Alone in this park.


You showed me the light,
In the darkest of times.
You gave me love,
When the world turned against me.
You were my everything.
Oh I thought you were everything.
My one in a million,
But you broke me.
Now I’m like a rose turning black.

So now all I see are
Petals in the wind,
Roses turning black, so black.
Oh~ roses turning black.

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