Remembering for the Future | Teen Ink

Remembering for the Future

December 2, 2015
By e_engel BRONZE, Holgate, Ohio
e_engel BRONZE, Holgate, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I read “Remembering for the Future” by Adrian R. it left me with a sense of happiness inside.  Despite the sadness attending his grandfather’s funeral the sense of pride and accomplishment screams throughout his story.  I agree with Adrian when he says “The spirit of America s like an unwritten language: It passes from generation to generation, not through formal lessons, but through stories.”  We as Americans live in the greatest county in the world, and we have are veterans to thank because of that.  These men and woman risk their lives every day to insure our freedom.  When Adrian states, “veterans instill in us a love of country, a sense of courage and sacrifice, and desire to be a part of something bigger than ourselves” it really helps me understand that there are people risking their lives everyday to help keep this great county and her people safe.

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