Wonder | Teen Ink


December 10, 2019
By gaberychener BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
gaberychener BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This realistic fiction book is called Wonder by R.J. Palacio. It is about a kid named Auggie who has had over 20 surgeries and his body and face is messed up so he gets bullied, and him getting bullied causes conflicts. Which is what I will tell you later.The story is told through the eyes of pretty much all the characters in different parts of the story, and tells the readers about what’s going on in their life at that time and what there background is like. But the main part is about Auggie Pullman who was home schooled his whole life.And his parents think it’s time for him to go to a public school. Auggie tries to convince them to not make him go to school but at the end of all of that begging Auggie had to go to school. The first week Auggie had only one friend who was summer but at the end of the school year Auggie had many more. But his best friend was Jack Will. Jack at the start of the year said if i was Auggie I would probaly kill myself,but that was on Halloween witch people had mask on and Jack didn’t know that Auggie was right by them so he heard him say that.After that Auggie didn’t talk to Jack for a whole month.But after that Jack remebred what he did and apoligized and tried to be nice. And they became friends. And at camp at the end of the school year Jack Will stood up for Auggie who was getting hurt and bullied by a kid named Auggie and his friends.And after that they became best friends and hung out after school for the first time.

My opinion on this book is that it is one of the best books I've read in awhile and it is very entertaining and fun to read.What I thought was good about this story was that there was always a little problem whether that's between Auggie and his family or Auggie and his bullies. And Auggie somehow always gets out of those situations.Also after about 5 or more chapters they switch the point of view of who’s telling the story but its still through first person just a different person telling what’s going on in their life.

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