Wildfire by Rodman Philbrick | Teen Ink

Wildfire by Rodman Philbrick

November 3, 2022
By AthenatheGoddess PLATINUM, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
AthenatheGoddess PLATINUM, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
38 articles 0 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
Look, I didn't want to be a halfblood."

Suspense and humor; the perfect combination of genres that describe Wildfire perfectly. This fun novel is about two kids who are stuck in a forest while a deadly wildfire, hence the title, comes barreling towards them. Will they survive or will they burn?

This story is perfect for readers of all ages. Once you open the book and see how big the words are, you will agree. For me, this was a pretty quick read. The words are big but the pages are small. This story is especially good for developing readers since it’s so quick and has very basic writing. Despite that, I cried a little bit. 

I connected with this story on a more personal level. I’m always worried something bad will happen while I’m at summer camp and in this story, my worst nightmare comes true. The main character is pretty funny, especially the way he acts towards another friend he escapes with. He reminds me of Percy Jackson, especially his sarcasm.

On a scale of one to ten, this is a solid 5.5. This book was not my favorite. In fact, it’s probably one of my least favorite books and let me explain why. It was too predictable. From the moment I opened the book, I knew what was going to happen. I knew what the resolution would be and I knew how everything would play out. The reason it scored that high was because of the main character. His family issues made me sad and he was funny enough to lighten the mood. While he is the main character and probably most readers favorite, I loved the radio man. Don’t ask why, just read the book and you will understand.

While this book was well written and had a lot of potential, it wasn’t my cup of tea. Despite all of this, I would recommend it to anyone who is new to reading, wants to branch out of their usual genre, try something new, or just wants to read!

The author's comments:

I read this for a competition and I knew I had to write a review on it. I knew I would have a lot to say and I needed to get all my opinions down on paper. Hope you enjoy.


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