Ghost Story by Jim Butcher | Teen Ink

Ghost Story by Jim Butcher

August 30, 2011
By Blackmirror SILVER, Charlotte, North Carolina
Blackmirror SILVER, Charlotte, North Carolina
7 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
Some quotes I really like:

"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." -Aristotle
"Every man dies. Not every man really lives." -William Wallace
"Sanity is madness put to good use." -George Santayana

The long awaited Ghost Story is the 13th book in the ongoing Dresden Files series. For me, the book seemed to break away from the others. But that's probably because of the main character being a ghost and all. That doesn't change the fact that this book was just magnificent, though.

Ghost Story seemed to center around inner conflict much more than even the previous book (Changes) did. It focused mainly on the main character, Harry Dresden, and his challenges being, well, dead. Harry has to face the challenge of helping his friends when there are things out there that he can't fight in his current condition. But not only that. Harry must help his friends emotionally, too. He has to help pull them through the emotional turmoil that was caused after his death. Oh yes, and Harry has to solve his own murder. So the question is, can Harry pull off "the ultimate magic trick with no magic"?

As he always does, Jim Butcher has spun a brilliant story that makes us laugh and smile and maybe even cry a little. At moments, you will stop to laugh at the wittiest of comments or cry in sympathy. And I had to stop a few moments and let the mood become a bit more serious and sober. But that is what made the book amazing. The book wouldn't be so good if it didn't pull those reactions from you. The end of the book was probably the worst part, though. It made me wanting more. So now I'll have to wait for Jim Butcher's next book, Cold Days, which is sure to be amazing.

The author's comments:
I'm writing this a month or two late, but it's a good book and I thought I should write the review. I hope everyone thinks this is ok. :)


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