The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini | Teen Ink

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

August 9, 2013
By TeraMoshrefnoory BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
TeraMoshrefnoory BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
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The Kite Runner, a well-written story by Khaled Hosseini, is definitely a novel that will leave you talking. This novel, unlike some, grabs people and pulls them into the story, making them feel as if they were the actual main character. Although I haven’t been a part of any of the events that occurred in The Kite Runner, I felt like I was there in Afghanistan with all the characters, living in the harsh conditions. A brilliant book like this teaches you how to overcome fear after thinking you had none left. It’s mainly about redemption of courage. Although this story contains unwanted violence, it opens up a whole different world that I have been lucky enough not to be a part of. It taught me that not every country has a government that is willing to listen and protect their people as well as our country does. The citizens of Afghanistan, at the time, had to fight for their rights. I, personally, love reading about people overcoming their obstacles and if you agree this is the perfect book to read. It involves emotion, violence, irony, just to name a few. Honestly, I am not really a crier, but this novel made me weep like a little baby while trying to continue reading through my tears. Not only did the violence and death make me cry, but the friendship did too. Of course there were mistakes made by characters that left me feeling angry, but it made me want to read more to learn how they made up for it. Also, learning about the culture is something that really made me fall in love with this book. I wouldn’t say I didn’t know anything about the characters’ religion before I started reading this book, but I definitely wasn’t an expert. Khaled Hosseini did a splendid job of not just throwing a bunch of information at you, and he explained everything so that there was absolutely no confusion. This book taught me one main lesson, never take anything for granted. Nothing is guaranteed and you actually have to work for what you desire in life. This book changed me in many positive ways and I would read it again in a heartbeat. Of course I would suggest reading this book but recommending this excellent novel is an understatement, I am telling you to read this book. You will not be disappointed.


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