Harry Potter series by J.K Rowling | Teen Ink

Harry Potter series by J.K Rowling

November 13, 2013
By kippersayshi BRONZE, London, Other
kippersayshi BRONZE, London, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

So most people would say they've already watched the movies so they're not bothered in reading the books. Well i say, that was me until i gave the books a chance on one fine summer day.

The Harry Potter series are a collection of books based on the wonderful witchcraft and wizardry world you wish you could escape to. Harry is like any other ordinary boy (for those who haven't watched the movie.) but it is what preys on him that is uniquely intriguing. He is an orphan living a miserable life with his relatives only to find that magic is just around the corner. When Harry is invited to live there permanently he embarks on a electrifying and thrilling journey.

What I particularly enjoyed about the first book was how Rowling brings the magical world to life. She carefully has the reader sympathise with Harry's difficult life and then draws us in to an escape from it, where we as the reader experience everything as Harry does. We grow up with him through his magnificent, dark adventures and actually feel the magic inside us. I also like how, the books spark inspiration inside you- it makes you excited and keeps you waiting for the big plots and twists in the story.

Although there isn't much to criticise about, I would have to mention how irritable it was when certain characters were killed. It actually tore me apart because I had connected with them and Harry and felt exactly as Harry did when they were taken away. This had become a little repetitive with the killing of characters and left me to hate the book sometimes. It was only because I was so emotionally attached and then i was left to bawl for their departure. No really, when it comes to the 5th, 6th and 7th books, it starts to become dark and depressing where suddenly you feel unsafe and as if you want to return back to the younger days where Harry was an innocent little boy. That is the clever and fascinating thing about Rowling, she is crafty and considerate of her work. There were also some really humorous aspects of the books where I actually laughed out loud. This is a special thing that Rowling does, she grips your attention and plots twists and suspense throughout. Then she replaces those with relief and humour creating a sense of safety.

When it comes to the ending, i'd have to say I wasn't too keen on it at first. However, I understood the purpose behind it because through all the dark and scary journeys, there has to be something reasonable out of it, something that makes this book not a waste of time. I was glad there was also an epilogue because it made you feel complete about the story, that there was a finality and not just some random words hanging. However how the characters ended up were not how I'd have expected. I particularly didn't like how Harry ended up with (SPOILER) ginny. They did not seem the couple I had in mind. For me it should been Hermione or no one. Yes, Hermoine suits better as a best friend and that I totally agree with but Ginny just didn't do it for me. I thought Harry deserved someone better who understood Harry and been with him through his hardships and for that Hermione fits the person.

I could babble on a whole lot more since this is a series I'm talking about, but to conclude I would definitely recommend this book to anyone. Even if you aren't a great fantasy fan as I wasn't really much of one myself but now am. I believe you have to believe in the magic to like the book and because Rowling is an amazing author, anyone can. It is all a matter of life and choices with funny mistakes and pasts that sometimes we cannot escape from. It is a teaching but a hilarious deeply intensifying adventure. Believe me, it's one you should embark on.

Rating: 8/10

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