The Da Vinci Code | Teen Ink

The Da Vinci Code

November 25, 2013
By Xochitlae16 BRONZE, Redwood City, California
Xochitlae16 BRONZE, Redwood City, California
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The thriller book The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown explores two main themes which are, the difference between faith and knowledge and the misinterpretation of women’s intelligence. The story is based off of Jacques Sauniére death; he was the Louvre museum’s curator in Paris. The effect of his death involves Robert Langdon who is a professor of symbology at Harvard University and Sophie Neveu who is a cryptologist for the French Judicial Police which is like the U.S FBI. They are the protagonists of the story. The cause of Monsieur Jacques’ death was because he was thought to soon give up the secrecy of where the Holy Grail is placed since he was the head of the Priory of Sion which is the secret brotherhood founded in 1099 that is used to protect the source of God’s power on earth which they refer to as dark con of man. Another main character is Silas who is a monk of Opus Dei and believes in self punishment because of his determination for the Catholic ways of Opus Dei ever since he met his idol Bishop Aringarosa. All of these characters lead up to an adventure to seek the Holy Grail which is thought to be lost in time. So much to do in so little time, but it all comes together at the end.
I would highly recommend this book because it is full of suspense. It allows the reader to open up their mind to questions relating the Christian Church and religious symbols. To choose to die in order to guard a historical secret is what very few of us would opt to do unless the secret beholds answers regarding the humanity of royal blood. Feminism takes a great part in this book it shows that the role of woman has lost power throughout time which has been shortened and underestimated. Overall, Dan Brown’s creation of The Da Vinci Code will have you at a fast pace and is sure to catch your attention as a result of it’s astonishing hidden messages.

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