Audrey Wait by Robin Benway | Teen Ink

Audrey Wait by Robin Benway

March 9, 2014
By MaryMason BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
MaryMason BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Audrey Wait! By Robin Benway (2008)

Audrey Cuttler, and indescribable teenager, has a perfect normal life that she was once happy with. She breaks up with her boyfriend, Evan, and he writes a song about her! The song soon becomes popular and so does Audrey. She now lives with her name and pictures on magazines everywhere. Audrey falls in the way of trouble know that people from all over the world know her. Soon, she feels that she’ll never be normal again. While all of her photos taken paparazzi, she likes this guy she is co- workers with; her best friend Victoria is trying to help her with her situation. “Uggghh, I just wish I had my normal life back.” Audrey says.
James, Audrey’s co-worker, ends up dating Audrey. While they date, Audrey gets over the fact of her being famous and her hatred towards Evan. Audrey runs into cruel people from school now that she’s famous, but meets famous people who she admires. She tries to ignore all facts that everyone knows her. Her friend Victoria will tell her if she’s on magazines, in videos, or on the news.
If I could relate to anyone in the book I could relate to Audrey because she loves music, she goes to concerts, and listens to her music loud. My favorite character is Audrey because she reminds me of myself because she has an ultimate best friend that makes her laugh and understands her. I would recommend this book to people who love music because in the book there are music quotes at the beginning of each chapter and people who love books with drama.

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