A Child Called It by Gabi Bridges | Teen Ink

A Child Called It by Gabi Bridges

May 3, 2016
By Anonymous

“A Child Called It” is a true story about a mother, and all of the things she does to her son. She is an abusive mother, who is mentally challenged and is an alcoholic. She puts off all of her anger and personal issues onto her innocent son. The first part of the child’s (David) life was happy and normal; until his mother turned into a monster. The child’s father tried to defend David, but quickly realized that he was no match for his wife, that she was too powerful for him to go against her.  He realized that if he fought against her, it would only make matters worse. Some of the things that David’s mother did to him were stabbing him, making him eat his brother’s poop out of a diaper, forcing him to eat his own vomit after starving him for weeks, being forced to lay on a hot oven, and having his head smashed repeatedly into various things. These are only some of the things that David was put through. The story tells how David dealt with all of the pain, and what it took for him to overcome his crazy mother’s actions. The story is an amazing read, although it is very sad. You will probably be scarred after reading this story, but it is worth the read. Just keep in mind that David is free from his mother by the time the story ends.


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