Knocked Up | Teen Ink

Knocked Up

August 30, 2019
By MovieReviewer_18 ELITE, Short Hills, New Jersey
MovieReviewer_18 ELITE, Short Hills, New Jersey
678 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Knocked Up proves to be a surprisingly charming drama that will be sure to please with its hilarious story and remarkably charismatic characters. The movie mostly revolves around Alison Scott, a rising journalist that may finally receive her chance to become a huge star, when she's invited to make it to on-screen. Although this may mean that she can finally move out of her sister's home and make giant leaps for her career, she hits a huge bump in the form of Ben Stone, a slacker without a clear future and a job. Even though he manages to impress her one night, and she ends up getting together with him, things quickly turn sour. Alison Scott quickly discovers that she has become pregnant, and unexpectedly so, which is a major challenge for the future of her career. If she's going to have a baby, she will probably not be able to fulfill her opportunity of becoming the journalism star that she wishes to become. However, Alison wants to give Ben Stone, the father, a chance to actually become a dad and prove to both himself and to the world that he is more than just some slacker that just mooches off of everyone else. Meanwhile, in the process, because they become much closer to one another as they begin to prepare for the baby that they are about to have, they both begin to question whether or not they could be compatible with one another as partners for life. 

Knocked Up manages to transform into a bewilderingly dramatic and emotional roller coaster that will captivate audiences with its realistic and relatable characters. While the movie does its best to serve as a hilarious comedy, at the core of the movie are the entertaining relations between all of the characters presented that help to bring out the best in all of them. Additionally, while the movie deals with plenty of serious topics, it does so in a fun manner that never makes the tone of the movie overly dark or grim. Aided by plenty of well-timed jokes and tons of outstanding one-liners, the movie is witty and clever throughout, much to the benefit of a thought through and well-written dialogue. 

 Knocked Up has a star-studded cast that is talented throughout. Seth Rogen is spectacular as Ben Stone, a role that seems to come very natural to him. In truth, Rogen's role feels like he is just playing himself, so his character becomes one of the most substantial and meaningful. Katherine Heigl's portrayal of Alison Scott is simply spot-on, and she brings emotion and passion to the role to make her character stand out. Leslie Mann's Debbie, who's sisters with Alison Scott, is another noteworthy role that helps to aid the movie in becoming the masterpiece that it is. While there are plenty of other enjoyable small roles from now-famous actors, and a handful of characters played by actors with the same names as their real ones, like Paul Rudd's Pete, Jason Segel's Jason, Jay Baruchel's Jay, and Jonah Hill's Jonah, the real heart of the movie is the on-screen chemistry between Rogen's Ben Stone and Heigl's Alison Scott. 

 Knocked Up has the rare ability to be enjoyed by both critics and viewers nearly equally. Rotten Tomatoes gave the movie a high 90%, which is just as impressive as it seems, and a whopping 87% of Google users liked the movie, solidifying the concept that it is a good fit for a wide variety of audiences. 

 Knocked Up proves to be an awesome drama that infuses together romance and comedy to create a bewilderingly entertaining adventure. The movie brings serious topics into a fun setting in a manner that will absolutely satisfy audiences of various ages. Without a doubt, this is a must-see with a story that deserves to be seen. 

The author's comments:

"Marriage is like an unfunny, tense version of 'Everybody Loves Raymond'." - Pete


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