Twilight | Teen Ink


November 23, 2008
By Bella PLATINUM, Belleville, Illinois
Bella PLATINUM, Belleville, Illinois
20 articles 3 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
"loving someone who doesn't love you is like worshiping the behind, of a wooden statue, of a hungry devil." -author unknown

I've recently seen the movie Twilight and this is what I thought about it. To me Twilight is my favorite book of all time, but I was a little disappointed with the movie.

First of all, I loved the introduction to the movie and how they depicted each character. Only that’s where the movie and book split off on their own paths. Where in the book does it say Bella’s a vegetarian? It doesn’t! Don’t get me wrong, I loved the movie, but I feel that the director has totally changed the story. The director even changed the fight scene and who tells Bella all about the mechanics to become a vampire.

Also, the director changed Charlie’s personality. In the book, Charlie doesn’t yell at Tyler for almost killing Bella, but in the movie he threatens to remove his license! Charlie is suppose to be a kind and loving father who treasures his daughter, but isn’t over protective. Why did movie Charlie have to be so over bearing? How did the pepper spray manage to make its way from Forks to Phoenix? She never brought it with her in the book. I am without a doubt one of the biggest Twilight fans, so I know what I’m talking about. (My parents shake their heads when ever I even mention Edward Cullen!)

To sum my review up, I’ll try to say something good about the movie. All of the acting was perfect and I really did love the choices for each character. Only one small problem there, I was hoping Edward would be more sparkly in the sun. I wasn’t sure at first how they were going to add the soundtrack in the movie, but the music director did an excellent job. I really love the music too. I thought the movie really started slowly, but I was amazed at the special effects. I really recommend this movie to anyone who has read the Twilight books, but for anyone who hasn’t, read the books first! It would be really hard to follow the movie without reading the books first because Bella is really hard to understand. Her actions are so different to a normal person’s reactions. This is the best movie I’ve seen since the last Harry Potter movie came out.

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This article has 7 comments.

on Dec. 3 2008 at 2:06 am
Fyi, the director doesn't change anything with the story. The screenwriter does.

Bunnybrain said...
on Dec. 3 2008 at 12:46 am
I agree with some people, I was really excited about the Twilight movie, but it wasn't what I was expecting. They could've done so much better with the sparkly skin, it looked like Edward was either really sweaty, or he rolled around in sugar. There is so much that I could say about the movie, but I have to admit that I did like it, I just hope that they don't mess up New Moon.

Brooke F. said...
on Dec. 2 2008 at 9:33 pm
this is my first reveiw and i wasn't sure how to write one. I need all the help i can get so thank-you again.

Brooke F. said...
on Dec. 2 2008 at 9:02 pm
thanks for the comments and i do agre with you all, but i guess i was expecting it to be just like the book. just like you said the books are always better than the movie. I REALLY LOVED THE MOVIE THOUGH! :)

xironsiderx said...
on Dec. 2 2008 at 8:58 pm
"I've recently seen the movie Twilight and this is what I thought about it. To me Twilight is my favorite book of all time, but I was a little disappointed with the movie."

Saying "this is what I thought about it" is a biiig no-no. That'd be ok if this were a paper by little kids.

on Dec. 2 2008 at 8:35 pm
The director has the right to change some areas in the movie to meet his satisfaction for how the movie will result. Harry Potter books have been slightly changed, as well. Almost all movies have this in one way. That's why I always say the books are better than the movies. :)

on Dec. 2 2008 at 10:00 am
Well some books that get turned into a film will somehow turn away from the original plot line. The producers and makers of the FILM paid to fix and tweak everything so there really isn't much wrong with it but seriously i was a fan but then the only reason the book sells THAT well is because of hormonal hopeless romantic teens who dream of finding their 'perfect' Edward. The plot line of the story began to be extremely predictable and cliche. Charlie is over-protective at least with Edward as the boyfriend issue he is.