You're Next | Teen Ink

You're Next

April 13, 2014
By KFerris BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
KFerris BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

High Praises for Horror

Why is it that so many people are obsessed with gruesome murder movies? It is astonishing to see the number of thrill seekers has grown substantially over the past decade. But why? It could be due to the fact that people are tired of the same routine schedule every boring day, and a horror movie ignites a sort of adrenaline in the body, consuming the person leaving them dying for this thrill factor. It doesn't hurt the horror business that with the technology advancing all the time, you feel like you are really in the movie trying to escape. Hollywood has been able to capture as much blood and gore as a mind can handle in their most recent movies.

Even still with all of the high quality effects and noises, it is hard to get a truly well created, horrifying movie. Most of the movies are so cliche and unrealistic like one of my favorites to make fun of- Paranormal Activity. A ghost-like demon is trying to take over your soul. It is an interesting concept if there weren't ten thousand other movies with the same exact story line. Then there is my all time favorite thing that horror film directors do. They make you wait the whole movie getting nervous about what the demon or murderer will look like as in Insidious, and low and behold the demon in that movie has a tail! Yes a tail! Is it a monster or a friendly feline? I'm sorry but I thought I was trying to watch a rated R movie, indicating that I am older than 5 and I haven't believed in monsters like this weird creature for almost 13 years. That is why I believe the blood and gore torture horror has become so popular, because torture and trauma is real. We see horrible murders as depicted in these films all around the world every day. If I want to see a scary movie, I expect to be scared, and I'm sorry but Casper the Friendly Ghost and paranormal movies are not scary. Murder on the other hand is terrifying.

Horror movies have been around for as long as the world was able to film a video, but over the years they have changed drastically. One of the most glorified gory horror movies of the era is a movie about a serial killer by the name of Freddy Kruger. So why does practically everyone and their grandmother know about this famous fictional murderer? It's not because it is genuinely a good movie, but it is because the torture depicted in this movie is some of unparalleled absurdity. Sadly, with so many psychotic people in the world, people want to see from a psycho murderer's point of view and understand what could make a person go so far as to brutally murder another person like displayed in so many other movies such as Saw. In both of these movies, the villain is in control of the minds of the victims. Freddy Kruger murders people in their dreams and Jigsaw gets into his victim's heads, making them kill each other for him. Both movies display the much anticipated blood, filling the needs of any horror fanatic, yet leaving you disappointed as always because these movies are so illogical and fictitious.

So now today, I regretfully inform you that Hollywood has once again created one of these nonsensical gory movies with low paid actors like all the other atrocious movies in this category. It is obvious that just by reading the synopsis on this movie that it will be an awful movie. Then why would you watch it still? Just like all the other movies in this genre, you just want to see how creative one has to get to make a horror movie. Just the title of You're Next is intriguing. It starts out very quickly which is a pleasant surprise. Just within the first 5 minutes, 2 characters are dead and the movie title is written on the wall in blood. There are many twists in the movie with the least expected person being the hero. Unfortunately everyone is a victim leaving you with no real ending. Overall this was a fairly entertaining movie with aspects of popular movies such as Home Alone making an appearance, but still the movie was nothing shy of unoriginal. Sorry horror fans, but this is just another sad movie to add to a list of DO NOT WATCH.

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