Toddler and Tiaras | Teen Ink

Toddler and Tiaras

November 22, 2013
By Grace Wisslead BRONZE, King George, Virginia
Grace Wisslead BRONZE, King George, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Toddlers and Tiaras started in 2009 and have over 6 seasons and over 85 episodes. It has increased majorly over the years and shocked the world at what extremes these girls go to just to win a crown that probably won’t even end up fitting on their little heads. New girls show up every episode and are also considered the main characters for that episode. There are usually 3 or 4 girls per episode. One by one you see the girl, her family, and everything that they do to get ready for the pageant. Like practicing their routine, trying on the dress, getting a spray tan, trying on their flipper, and getting their nails done. (Flippers are fake teeth similar to dentures) These are very important to have for the pageant. When the girls smile their teeth need to be perfectly straight and white as snow. Not having that factor will cost them major points. They seem to need to have even the smallest thing like perfect nails look good. These girls think that it is all about competition or winning a prize. While the girl’s mom or dad have to make sure their little girl is just right. They want her to win so badly that they spend as much as $500,000 dollars just for hopes that in the end their daughter wins something. Is spending all of this money really worth it in the end? The girls are being set up to think that they will get everything they want in their life. That beauty is the most important thing in the world. They probably think about competition being a good thing and beating another girl in the pageant is encouraged. What will those girls be like in the future? Are they being set up for failure? What if those girls grow up and find out their moms and dads had been living their dream through them. A lot of girls in the show seem to get really frustrated at having to practice and do a pageant. Sometimes later on the mom or dad will say that her/his daughter wasn’t forced to do the pageant and she was just cranky. Seeing the girls in their outfits can be very upsetting sometimes. They will have outfits that barely cover their body and they will do a dance that seems inappropriate just to top that off. When

they do their dance routines it is most likely because they are having help from their parent behind the judges. And looks like a crazy person flailing their arms. Why does someone want to watch this garbage? I have absolutely no reason not to say this. This show is useless to watch. You don’t learn anything in it all you do learn is that you should not watch it ever again. I think this is true because, it consists of stressed mothers or fathers who are busy getting everything perfect for their daughter. Struggling to get things to go right and mad the next second when one thing slips up. You can tell if the parent has actually put effort into helping their daughter. There are those parents who do the dance moves for their kid(s). Then get mad when they find out they got points off because their daughter(s) did not look at the judges. If they wanted it that badly they would have figured out that they were the cause of their child’s mistake. In my opinion this show is fake. It has young girls who show the exact opposite of their true selves. I think they need to express their inner beauty. They should have the pageant with pretty dresses that cover their WHOLE body. No makeup should be worn and they should be judged on their appropriate act and walk. Their hair should be their real hair not an ugly wig that looks like a big poof on the child’s head. There should not be trophies or huge crowns as big as skyscrapers. That are ranked on how well the girl did. In the end everyone should get a ribbon or a badge. To teach the child that she is not better than anyone and nobody is better than her. This would definitely help promote positive things about the show. And in my opinion, create a better future for that child and a good influence to other little girls.

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