The legend of korra | Teen Ink

The legend of korra

December 21, 2018
By Anonymous

Korra is a Aussie. This is a Dog breed also known as an Australian-Shepard. She grew mainly away from Mother. She found her new owner at 7 weeks old. She grew up learning many tricks and commands. She went on a lot of walks and went hiking fairly alot seeing a lot of the world. She loved road trips and always wanted to go everywhere her owner went. Christmas was coming and they were planning a trip to go visit family is some other state.

Part 1

Korra and her owner were traveling to Utah on a trip to visit family for the holidays. They left california in the morning looking at the sky seeing something bright through the clouds. The sun maybe they had thought. They stopped in nevada to rest, but by morning they couldn't get on the highway from a supposed major accident that they couldn't see. They took the back roads which ran through the desert. Half way through the desert with no cars or towns in sight for miles. They were jamming to some Guns and Roses. Then radio had changed. It sounded like your typical Amber alert but this time it was different. Then they heard it “warning for the following countries there will be a nuclear test in the following Areas, Their location came up as the owner speeds up. Kora started scratching the window to go to the restroom. Once they got out a huge explosion happened about a mile from their location.

They see the boom in the distance as the mushroom cloud forms. Before they know it the impact from the blast had hit them knocking both of them on the  ground unconscious. Kora woke up to find her owner laying their not breathing. Panicking not knowing what to do Kora then got up and realized she can walk of her two back legs like a human. She looked down at her arms to find they were like human arms with just her fur covering them. Without questioning it she immediately rushed her owner to the hospital swerving everywhere. As she gets closer to the nearest town she sees a cop. They call in a Ambulance and they both are rushed to the hospital. Her owner lays there with a slow heartbeat as the medics are setting up devices to breath for him.

They got her owner stable but still not breathing on his own. Kora sat by his side the whole time not letting anyone separate them. He wakes up looking at Kora whos crying with joy to see him awake. A week passes and the government shows up to the hospital asking to pay the owner millions for Kora but he would not accept any offer. He takes Kora home amazed of what she has become. Two years pass and Kora can now speak, walk and move like a human. The doctors tell the owner its because the radioactivity from the blast had caused Korra to mutate into human qualities some way. He then tells the owner he has radiation poisoning but still has a good 20 years left with treatment.

Part 2

It was in the middle of May, Korra found out she was pregnant with 8 pups. The 9 months came fast and Korra delivered all 8 babies. One thing was wrong though. One baby pup didn't have a heartbeat. This set Korra into a depression for almost two years. Once her puppys were old enough to take care of themselves Korra wanted to get motivated again. She started training and gaining. After one year Korra had a made goal with herself. She wanted to change the world and take her part in making a difference .

She started waking up early and started cleaning a lot, and cooking. She saw a commercial of cops and got inspired.  Kora than started working out with a goal to become the first ever Dog police officer. She got an education and started a family. She had four little pups and a husband. Kora enlist in the police academy while being the most hated person their with no one accepting her and wanting  her to fail. After all her hard work Kora graduated the academy top of her class but was faced with being qualified as a K9 or a Police Cadet. This went on for months until she finally was cleared as a police cadet for the L.A. police department.


Part 3

Kora was so excited for her first day to patrol. Her partner called in sick her first day so she started her first patrol by herself. It was a beautiful sunny day in L.A. everything was quiet in her patrol watch in the suburbs. She was then ordered to patrol more downtown and gets her first police stop. The persons back tail light was out and she was so excited. She walked up with confidence to see it was a mother with two kids and no ring on her finger. She couldn't give her a ticket and let her off free with a warning. It hit noon and she called in for lunch. She decided to go to the subway down the street from the her. She gets her food and remembers she needs to get cash back from her bank. Pulling into the bank she feels funny. She feels like something wrong, but what is it.

She gets out the car going to the atm. When she looks inside she notices the security guy isn't standing by the front door. She moves closer to the bank doors to take a peak then heard 3 gunshots. She gets down and moves to her car and makes the call for backup. She's ordered to stay put and wait but then she hears more gunshots. Then she looks around and finds a black van with no license plate with someone sitting in the front seat. She sneaks up on the him and detains him with a plan to wait for the robbers to exit the building so they are not trapped in a hostile situation. Her plan works and sees three Men with bags and mask. It was obviously them. She the ordered them to put their hands up as she took cover at the van they were using. A huge gun fight took place as kora is pinned down and the van getting lit up shot after shot. She then get gets under the van and sees two of them and fires back dropping both of them to the floor the other guy seemed to be a little smarter and ran back toward the bank. Kora then chased him. They fired at each other the same time with Korra hitting him in the leg. Korra then realizes she's been shot and drops to the floor dying.



Part 4

Five minutes later Korra lay there bleeding trying to keep her eyes open until other police units got there. They got her on a emergency helicopter flight to the San Francisco to one of best Veterinary doctors in the country. The flight took almost a hour as they are trying to suppress the bleeding the best they can. They get thier rushing her into the operating room. The Doctor said she has a 50% chance of making it out of surgery alive. Every News company in Northern California was there talking about the incident as Korra lays there fighting for her life. She pulled through the next morning breathing on her own. She wakes up to thousands of people waiting outside to see her. Many news stations outside the doors wanting a interview.

Korra wakes up to her owner whos now standing by her side. He told her she's a hero and saved many lives that day. The news was everywhere, and everyone was talking about how a dog became a hero. One week later  Korra was released from the hospital and awarded a medal of honor for her bravery with over 100,000 people at the attending the event to see her, Amazed of how she was able to take down three gun man by herself. Korra now patrols the LA street in a K9 unit and her husband happens to be the K9 as they still patrol the L.A. streets today.

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