Paul Revere | Teen Ink

Paul Revere

March 27, 2015
By Jeremy Piper BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Jeremy Piper BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“The british are coming, The british are coming!” Words that everyone think of when they think of the revolutionary war, but there is more to that story. What most people don’t know is that there was a man riding with Paul Revere that night.
It was a warm summers night, the boy slowly creeps through the streets of Boston. Hiding in every crevice and crack within the city. Peter VanHorn was his name, his father was a resistance fighter with the secret spy agency called the Illuminati headed by George Washington himself. He wanted peace with what his dad did that day in Boston. In the middle of the day his dad was killed fighting redcoats in the Boston massacre. Peter was trying to get back to the town square to scout out what had happened. All of a sudden this man came riding on horseback through an alleyway he was traveling on.
“I am Paul Revere. Come with me, and you won’t die.”
That very moment Red coats rounded the corner shouting “Stop that man.”
Peter knew he had to do something. He jumped onto the saddle with Paul. They lost them in the streets of a nearby town. They heard many shots come from behind them. They turn back in dismay, the village people had taken down the Red Coats following them. They quickly turn into the woods and stay hidden for the night.
“What are you doing Peter. You were going to get yourself killed.” Paul yelled.
“How do you know my name?” Peter asks.
“The stretch of my group is far and wide. Your father and me have gone on many missions together. Your father's dying words were ‘keep him safe.’ and I intend to do that.”
“How did you know where I was?”
“There is no law, no sea, and no d--- Red coats that could keep me from protecting our own. We want you to help us with something?”
“Sure anything.”
“Become one of us. We have been watching you Peter. Your little stunt you pulled in the market when you were 10 was very interesting.”
Paul is talking about a riot he started in the market so he could steal a basket of fruit.
“You were there?”
“Nothing can stop us, not even a riot.”
Peter is very intrigued by this proposal the group has asked of him. He could live on his father’s legacy, but is that the right thing to do. Peter just wants justice and he doesn’t know what he would do with them.
“Why should I trust you?” Peter indulges.
“You shouldn’t. You need not our trust. People are disposable, but leaders are not. You are not just some kid in the streets, you are a leader. You have experience that no other recruit matches. Your skill set is so unique we can’t even figure it out... So, will you follow me?”


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