Lasting Hope | Teen Ink

Lasting Hope

November 9, 2015
By grzek BRONZE, Gorham, Maine
grzek BRONZE, Gorham, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It’s the year 2045, the small group of earth survivors dwindle by each days passing. Our “home” called Earth is just a barren forsaken rock with out a single mud puddle left. Since the experiment everything that could go wrong did go wrong and fast. Let’s start from the beginning.
Its is 2035 the worlds water problem has gone no where fast. Countries gather together to try and resolve the drought problem spreading like a wild fire world wide. It seems like the worlds only hope was a band of scientist running on three hours of sleep a day. Their lab location being a closely guarded secret that many were willing to die for. Till one day a young scientist named Ronald J. Sims thought he cracked the whole thing right open. He figured out that if he put his sea water compressor into the ocean and ran it at its max level it would revert the useless sea water into drinkable and agricultural grade water. The compressor would suck up all the ocean water and the clean water would be spouted into the air were rain clouds would gather the water and distribute it through out the world. The group of scientist ran countless test and most of them agreed that Sims invention worked and could defiantly be the answer they were all looking for. Now it was time to test on a large scale live scenario. They picked the island of Nishinoshima off the larger island of Japan to run their first live test. Everything ran smoothly till a large patch of toxic filled water hit the machine. The Toxins levels went off the charts but it was late to stop it. Near-by Sims witnessed in horror what he knew would be the cause of the end. The toxic water had been sent into the atmosphere and had hit the jet stream sending it all over Asia and North America. Acid rain fell from the sky killing crops, spoiling water, and causing  disease through out continents. Causing anarchy everywhere. Their last chance had been spoiled by some water that the Japanese government was suppose to take care of months ago. Ten years later and the only thing that changed is that everything got worse the oceans dried up, hundreds of millions died, and water is valuable then anything.
There was a small band of people held up in a sky rise in the once great city known as New York scavenge for anything worth using. Medicine,, food, and weapons but most important water. John was the leader had heard that a refugee camp had been set up in the now under ground city of Washington D.C. People were safe and they were building up the new world. Rumor was that they had a few scientist left working on a solution to the worlds problem. 
John the next day declared that they would try for the underground city of Washington D.C for that was their only valid hope left. That day the group scavenged for supplies and mode of transportation. Matt, an ex air force helicopter pilot recommended that they try to fly since it was the fast means of travel and JFK was just a few miles away. With full confidence Matt gets the group to go along with his idea. The group climbs in a rusted out mini van with a faded church logo in the side. They are all excited to fly because most of them have never flown. The only hope was that they tucked away a plane in a hanger before everything went to crap.
They get to JFK and checked the first ten hangers but nothing. Finally checking hanger eleven they found a small private jet, Matt climbs aboard and checks out everything. He says that theres enough gas to make it to D.C and then some. The group climbs on and Matt tells John that he’ll be his co-pilot. They take off with out a hitch, till about 20 minutes into flight. A loud bang happens off the right wing. A spew of fathers and is spitting out everywhere. A bird had hit the engine and had jammed the engine. If Matt couldn't land the plane then there would be no hope. All of a sudden the left side shuddered then bam no response. They were sitting duck the plane goes into a nose dive and even though Matt gives great effort the plane can just not be saved… Everyone dies in a matter of moments, but nobody is there to greave the loss because nobody even knew them except one another. Sad to think that one of the last birds ended the lives of ten people in a matter of minutes.

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