"The Day My Best Friend Got Killed" | Teen Ink

"The Day My Best Friend Got Killed"

January 18, 2017
By baileigh1234 BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
baileigh1234 BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I throw my gun in the back the truck
Getting up before dawn
Waiting to kill a buck
Walking to the stand
Sun beaming
In my neon orange
The sun glared down at me from the sky
Walking quietly
Climbing up the ladder
Getting my gun ready for my buck
The distance
Another man beside me
Sharing the same shooting lane
Hoping the buck wouldn't get killed
My friend that I like
Walking down the lane
Man beside me gets his gun ready
I hear the shot
I taste fear
I'm worried because he was human not an animal
Man mistaken him for a deer
A sudden sense of fear ran through his nerves like the chill of an icy wind
My Best Friend that just wanted to hunt
Died because a man thought he was a deer
Man walking to see the deer
It is my dear
And it's too late
I rush down
My pulse is like a race car
Called 911
Too late
I keep touching him
It’s pretty ugly
Now I sit in fear
Weeks later
I'm scared to go hunting
My best friend got killed
Mistaken for a deer
I continue to cry everyday
Wishing this wouldn't happen
I still remember what happened
Like it ain't nothing

The author's comments:

I always hunt and I always hear on the news / or from Wild Life and Fisheries. I stay in the woords and I try to wear atleast some type of bright clothes because I dont want it to happen to anyone else. 

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