Masked Man | Teen Ink

Masked Man

May 28, 2018
By arsheenyounus BRONZE, Jubail, Other
arsheenyounus BRONZE, Jubail, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There’s supposed to be a hotel at the end of this street.

Pointing at the location on his map, he looked up and scanned the area, head twisting back and forth before spotting the familiar name in glowing blue colors on a long sign, lights flickering as it hung off the side of a large brown building. ebony coast Hotel & inn, the sign read.
Nodding, he tucked the map back into his pocket before making his way towards the building. Stepping inside, the interior of the hotel seemed to contrast greatly with the rundown street it was located on. It was painted a dark maroon with black and brown furniture to match. A small water fountain lay in the middle of the lobby on a deep burgundy rug, a large glass chandelier hanging above. Rows of various plants surrounded either side of the room. He looked around, slightly dazed.
He turned towards the voice. A lady behind a desk—who he assumed was the receptionist—smiled brightly at him. Her grin faltered slightly when she saw his mask. He stared at her for some time, small smile of his own forming on his lips—she was nervous. He didn’t falter as he made his way towards her. He was, after all, used to it.
“Afternoon. I’d like a room for a couple of nights.”
The receptionist nervously looked at her computer, nodding as she forced a smile on her face.
“Of course,” she replied, before giving him the briefest of glances, “We have a room available on the fourth floor. Will you be paying with cash or credit?”
She nodded before typing away, the sounds from her keyboard filling the silence between the two. He noticed the bouncing of her knee and slight trembling of her hands as she typed, and fought the urge to chuckle.
She continued to type for a few moments, before turning to properly look at the boy for the first time since he walked in, and he thought he caught a glimpse of curiosity among the anxiousness in her eyes.
“And your name, sir?”
The boy c***ed his head to the side, grinning as he accepted the hotel key she had offered.
“Levi. I’m Levi.”

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