Welcome Home | Teen Ink

Welcome Home

February 18, 2021
By Tori13 BRONZE, Meriden, Connecticut
Tori13 BRONZE, Meriden, Connecticut
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Swords clash, magnificent steel reflecting the beaming sun above. A bead of sweat rolls down my nose and I hastily wipe it away. I circle my opponent carefully, and we step in unison. It looks like a steady type of dance, and the trained soldier before me scans my small body in a not very sword fighting way. He smirks. I lunge. 

Clearly, he hasn't any idea exactly what this small body can do. My weight throws him off guard, but only for a moment. He brings himself up and arcs the sword upwards, missing my under arm by seconds. Reflectively, my sword blocks the next blows, and I side step quickly. His moves are so predictable. My wrist strains in the next block, he is getting impatient. Adrenaline sores in my veins. I love when they get impatient, it makes beating them twice as fun. I toy with his sword a bit more, playing the defensive little kitten. Then, as his arm bends so the sword is looking over his shoulder, clearly about to separate my head from my neck, I crouch  down and give him a kick to the groin. When he doubles over, I knock the sword from his hand and give him another kick, just for fun. With the soldier on his back, his eyes furious and my chest heaving, I point my sword in the exact place of his heart. His eyes go wide. I stay that way for a few seconds, enjoying the moment of my victory and the fear in his eyes. Then I back away and bow towards the terrace, knowing exactly who would be standing there. Behind me, the soldier scrambles up and reaches for his sword. Utter fool, when he comes charging at me with no doubt a battle cry, I swivel around and bare my teeth. He aims for my abdomen, and for less than a second I freeze. 

I don't want to hurt this soldier, nick his pride yes, but not injure. The way he comes at me now, is not just a sword fight for the king, he is trying to kill me. I fake a move to the left and dart to the right. I arc my sword, and make a clean cut above the back of his knee. He howls like an animal, and my chest tightens at the sound. You wanted to kill me! I didn't want to hurt you! He crumples, trying to stop the endless bleeding. The names he calls me would usually make me laugh, but looking at the pain I caused him, I just can't bring myself to do it. 

I try to smile, to show my bravery, but it falters. Without another word, I turn on my heel and walk into the palace. 

Leaving the courtyard, the interior of the palace seems to be made of gold. The biggest chandelier I have ever laid my eyes upon, twinkles above. The flags of Valoria are proudly displayed on every wall, and twin staircases curve beautifully. Coming down the stairs, is the King of Valoria, with the brightest smile I have ever seen. I race towards his open arms, and he embraces me like no one ever has. "Quite a fight! With one of my best!" The King's voice booms and the happiness rings off the golden walls. "If that is your best, then I am quite disappointed in your choices, Uncle." He laughs and claps me on the back, before slinging his arm around my shoulders. "Dear me, I've missed you my darling, just wait for Cathy to lay her eyes on you, you've grown daughter!" 

In times like this, I miss the palace so much it aches. When I was orphaned eight years ago, the king took me as his own, as he was the greatest friend with my father. I don't know exactly, but my father was the captain of the royal guard, sworn to protect the king with his life, which he did. I was only ten, but I loved him more than anything. My mother truly loved him more, for she didn't make it three days after his death. From that fateful day, the King took me in as his own, and raised me all the same. 

I know the exact moment she arrives, even before her joyous shriek. "Dahlia!" 

My eyes brighten instantly, and I feel a grin bless my lips. Charging down the stairs with endless soft fawn hair, comes Cathy. Her beautiful honey colored gown billows behind her, and I know her soft brown eyes will carry tears. Here is the woman who cries softly when she is happy. Who taught me to dance and held my hand when I was sick. Here was the woman, who's delicate hands soothed me and wiped my tears away every time. I find myself wrapped in her arms, safety and relief washing over me like rain. Here is the mother I never had. I feel tears swim into my vision and the warm scent of sunshine and home.

The author's comments:

Welcome Home is a short story of a girl named Dhalia. I wrote the story to represent the two sides of one person, and how different people can affect which side they are on. 

To be honest, I was just going with the flow and letting my thoughts wander. 

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