Never Rose Again | Teen Ink

Never Rose Again

October 6, 2021
By nasheili1 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
nasheili1 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On September 11th 2034 The alarm went off, and Sunny woke up not being able

to see a thing. Sunny looks outside the window to find nothing but darkness everywhere. Sunny, not having a care in the world goes down stairs finding her parents watching the news “ Good morning everyone , we are experiencing some delays of the sun. Please stay calm while we figure out what exactly is going on”. Sunny looks at her parents with excitement “That means no school for me, due to the school needing the sun for the solar panels” ‘Sunny this is a serious situation, this is not something to joke about”. “Mom, chill, there's nothing to worry about” ‘Well i'm going out with my friends, so I won't be home till later”.Sunny leaves to meet with her friends, and her mom goes to the door “Please be careful sunny”. Sunny starts walking to her friend's Luz house, and everything is just pitch black. Sunny gets her flashlight out and heads to Luz’s house. On her way to her house Sunny passes by the supermarket and sees so many people in line to enter.children weeping , people brawling over food, and supplies.The people looked like dogs fighting for their toy. “What's with all of those people” “they are overreacting”. She heads up the street to Luz’s house to find everyone out on their lawns and talking among themselves. She finally gets to her friend's house, and Luz parents answer the door “What are you doing here “ “Sunny don't you know what's going on. Shouldn't you be home with your parents” Hello Mr and Mrs Alvarez it's nice to see you too, but my parents let me come, so I'm here to see your daughter”. Sunny goes straight to Luz’s room “Hey bestie are you down to go pick Darkie up, and go for a walk”? Luz sits there on her bed flustered  “Don't you understand what's going on”? “This is serious, I don't think we should go out at a time like this “. “Luz why are you so worked up about the sun not coming up, It's no big deal everything will be back to normal tomorrow just watch”. “Fine whatever you say, but don't come crying to me the next day talking about how I was right” “Don't worry I wont “. “My parents wont let me go out “ “Well we will just have to sneak out from your window” “Sunny I dont think this is a good idea , we still dont know whats going on” “Fine if you dont want to come with me , Ill just go by myself to get Darkie” “you cant just go by yourlsef it's not safe. Ugh, fine hurry up before my parents find out i’m gone”. Sunny and Luz escaped through the window heading toward Darkie’s house. Darkie is there best frined who they have know sine they were babies. Drakies a nickname Sunny and Luz gave him. “SunnyDo you know how long it takes to get to Darkies house by foot”? “About 9 minutes so we better walk fast if we want to get there sooner”.They get to Darkies house expecting a warm welcome from their best friend , but end up finding Darkie waiting outside on the porch with police. “Darkie whats going on, is everything okay” “no, my parents store got robbed, and is under investigation”.Luz shocked at the new  “I’m sorry to hear that , but how did that happen ''?. “With the whole news that's going on everyone has been getting anxious”. Police then pull Darkie aside to ask him a few more question about the store his parents own. “ Sunny this is scaring me , what's going to happen now if the sun doesn't come up again? Will everyone keep losing their minds like a bunch of wild animals looking for food?” “Calm down , it's not that serious” “yes it is don't you get it everything we have like our homes, markets, and schools all run on solar panels to help with the environment or have you forgotten”? “Luz I don't have time for this, I have to go home before my parents scold me about being out too late”. Sunny leaves to her house all alone in the dark , with only her flash light she had on her phone. The lanterns on the post were not  on , so there was nothing but darkness surrounding her. On September 12th 2034 the alarm went off , and Sunny woke up to see if her parents were down stairs “mom, dad I had the weirdest dream last night” “mom , where are you?” Sunny goes to her parents room to find them still sleeping . Sunny goes back to bed , but she can't fall back asleep, so she checks her phone and sees that it is 10 in the morning. Sunny gets up out of her bed like a child on christmas day . Looking out the window was pitch black. Sunny, with fear in her eyes, runs to Luz’s house to find the police yet again , but this time it was Luz. Fear creeped Sunny when all of a sudden “Sunny you shouldn't be here do you not know how dangerous it is to be out alone, you did this to her” tears coming out of Mrs Alverez eyes. “What happened?” asked sunny. “You don't know?” “know what sunny asked. “Luz had a terrible accident last night, she got hit by a car because she couldn't see anything”. “It was pitch blak and her phone died so she couldn't use her flashlight”. “I didn't know. I'm so sorry this is all my fault. I shouldn't have left without her “. “I thought everything would be back to normal today , but she was right”. Sunny runs into their house to find Luz on the bed with the paramedics by her side. All of the sudden light was seen from the window, but it wasn't the sun, it was big lanterns that look like the ones on baseball fields.The news started to play in Luz’s room “ Good morning everyone we have now added big light post to help everyone out, so please stay calm and everything is okay now”. Sunny ended up heading home after she heard the news . “I thought this was all going to be the best time ever , but it ended up being a nightmare.” “Everything is okay now, Sunny, we have some light” “I know mom, but something doesn't seem right” “didn't  you say  we shouldn't worry” mom asked. “Yes but Luz was in a terrible accident , so why now “ Sunny ends up going back to Luz’s house finding her awake , and happy to see Sunny “I'm so glad you are okay Luz” “I'm so happy to see you “ “even though we don't have the sun anymore , everything will work out” “the government helped us out by bringing bak light to us somehow” “oh and did you hear they found the robber who robbed darkies parents shop” Sunny in shock “no one told be , but that great “ “I know right, it was all thanks to the land post lights that got turned on as soon and the their was trying to go in again” “maybe this would work for everyone “ Sunny get ready to leave back home when Luz says “Oh and i almost forgot we have school tomorrow” “see you tomorrow”.

The author's comments:

I chose to include diffrent type of situations that happened in this short story to show that it was a serious situation that was acuring.

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