The Dark Room | Teen Ink

The Dark Room MAG

By Anonymous

   The Dark Room,by Amy Graf, Suger Land, TXThe girl came out of the darkness, walking slowly and carefully into the gray light of the smoke-filled stage that lay empty in front of her. She was dressed in all black and had too much make-up on her young, innocent face. She looked around for a familiar face, but she knew she did not belong. She stood and stared blankly at the people, trying to look tough, but afraid that everyone could see right through her. She was afraid they could see the scared little girl inside who was trying desperately to hide the pain that was so heavy on her small frame. She never belonged and never would. There was nothing wrong with her, really - just a confused little girl trying to find a place to feel safe. Here, she was higher than everyone else. She was almost alone and soon the music would be there to drown out everyone else who seemed to exist along with her. They were behind the wall, though - the wall that was keeping her safe. In her eyes they could never get past the wall if she didn't let them and she could never get out. She didn't even want to. It was the only place she belonged. Disconnected from the world that seemed so normal, protected by the clear shield that only she could see. They all looked at her and cheered and she didn't know why. She did not see herself the way they did. She didn't know what they thought of her. The other people joined her and the music began. She did what they wanted. She sang in her scratchy, pained voice, not just because they wanted her to, but because she wanted to. The wall got a little thinner and she enjoyed it that way occasionally. It scared her to death, but it was a rush that she needed in order to stay sane. She felt the music go through her in heavy pulses and everyone else in the world was moving along with these erratic pulses blaring from the speakers. There were so many people and the wall was getting thinner. A quiet young boy, who was deeply moved by the sound of her voice, stared at her from the back of the room and caught her eye. He was too close. A gut-wrenching fear came over her. She was too close to reality and couldn't take it anymore. She stopped and walked off the stage. There was a tiny little room in the back. It was dark and empty. The girl slowly entered it and closed the door behind her. 1

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This article has 3 comments.

i love this !

on Dec. 29 2012 at 4:36 pm
Dolly9471 BRONZE, Berkeley Heights, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 35 comments

Favorite Quote:
In the end will will not remember the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
Martin Luther King Jr.

I loved that story! Such a great idea!

. said...
on Dec. 29 2012 at 4:32 pm
What an interesting story! Please keep writing!!! (-: