fire and ice | Teen Ink

fire and ice

December 18, 2014
By yesnia suazo BRONZE, Bronx Ny, New York
yesnia suazo BRONZE, Bronx Ny, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time there lived a mean girl in the woods her name was shaylin everybody called her the queen of the wood because she was. She would tell everybody what to do or where to sleep, Also she would tell them what to eat. Shaylin was very mean to the people that lived in the woods with her. Shaylin and this boy had super powers and his name was Angel. Angel’s superpowers was heat, Shaylin’s super power is to freeze things. Shaylin likes to freeze people for fun then hid them. Angel is the good guy so he would try and look for the frozen people and unfreeze them.







The next day Angel kept on looking for the frozen people. Angel then passed by a cave and saw ice and it was very cold inside so Angel had known that the people shaylin had frozen was inside the cave. Angel had went in and saw them so Angel rubbed his two hands and put them on the ice, then he had melted the ice. That same day Shaylin got mad and started screaming and said, WHO IS UNFREEZING THESE PEOPLE. Then something came up in shaylin’s head and remembered that Angel and her was the only ones with super powers. So Shaylin got somebody to go and get Angel. When Angel went to shylin she asked him if it was him unfreezing the people. Angel then said “no” Then shaylin said “Remember its just me and you that got powers. Angel did not say nothing and just walked out.




That day Shaylin and Angel was going to fight. Angel was so happy because he knew that if he beat Shaylin he would be in charge of the woods and Shaylin won’t have no more powers. So Angel was waiting for that fight to happen, When Angel and Shaylin fought Shaylin was mad because Angel had won the fight so she then said to Angel “This ain’t over me and you would fight again and i will be the queen of the woods again. Angel was just smiling because he did not care anymore because he always wanted to be the one that helps the people and be the king of the woods. Angel had no worries because he knew that Shaylin will never fight him again.

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