Familiar | Teen Ink


May 26, 2010
By Jojomhs2010 BRONZE, Camby, In, Indiana
Jojomhs2010 BRONZE, Camby, In, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Goodness Gracious&quot; -Joanna S.<br /> &quot;Whats Happening Hot Stuff&quot; 16 Candles

Runnignt hrough the forrest. Gina hears from a distance, cars driving by. She is close to the road or a highway. She galnced back, she still see's them chasing her. She fakes to the left and turns right. Still kepping her pace for a mintue she stops for a breath. "Wow, track sure did help me," Gina said. The man chasing Gina stop to catch thier breath. "Well, she sure can run," Ross said. "Oh, we will catch her and kill her," Jc said. "Well then lets go back to the van," Big Mike said.
After being in a van for two days, teid up, and almost killed. Gina looks aournd every three or four secounds. Gina finaly see's a gas station and gose to the restroom. The televison shows the amber alert. Shows the picture of Gina. But it is her, but the boys wanted to change her hiar color from brown, to dark blone. Gina Walks by the raod and see's the van from a distance and runs into a negberhood. Thats looks fimliar to her.(TO BE CONTINUED.)

The author's comments:
This is a part form one of the books i am writing. When i write it just come thorugh me, from one person to the other. And you might see more parts from the books i am writing.


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