Hotel & Beer | Teen Ink

Hotel & Beer

November 6, 2013
By _jessicaolveraa SILVER, Greenville, South Carolina
_jessicaolveraa SILVER, Greenville, South Carolina
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
No llores por el sol, porque las lagrimas te haran perder las estrellas.

She cried her eyes out. She couldn't. She would destroy the family, if she told the ugly truth. But he could also do those dirty things again.

It’s been two months since she’s been sober. Since the day at the hotel room. Since that day she lost something so pure and innocent. Since the day she wished she would have stayed home and not lied to her mama.

The car arrived in the parking lot. He said two more people were coming. They bought two packs of beer. They drank. She had lied to her parents saying she was spending the night at a friend’s house.

They drank more, midnight came and she drank more than him. Not too drunk though to still describe what he did. She says she woke up just before the sun. She ached, head to toe. He laid there in the bed next to her. Both with just a sheet to cover up. She woke him up. He told her what had happened. Without another word, and tears down her face, she asked him to take her home.

Two weeks ago he began to text her. Every hour, every minute, every second, she was his obsession. She would go out with friends and he’d text her asking where she was! She began to receive pictures, dirty pictures. Fear gained as threats began to appear. Everything was so confusing. Should she confess, or keep quiet? She had to say something before she went crazy. Before she committed a crime.

She spoke out, she told her mom. They got in the car, tears rushing down their face, drove towards his house, and parked in the driveway. They knocked on he's door almost knocking it down. He knew what they were there for. He admitted he's crime. She signed with relive, finally the truth is out. She was wrong. When her dad arrived, he denied it! That pig denied what he had done, right in front of her face! She was devastated; the only thing that came to her mind was to strangle him. All she could do was break into tears and scream with anger. Her dad believed him! Her mama kept quiet. Disappointment took over her, she felt stupid!

He ran, he ran like a coward next day. Her dad stopped him in a Hispanic store near downtown Atlanta. He paid him five hundred dollars or so to come back, he paid the loaners the money they had loaned him for the bus ticket.

He was back. She has to deal with it. She knew she had lost family. But she knew she'd get through the storm. She was known, to them, as the fifteen year old liar. But she kept her head high, never forgetting that day, and always remembering, he is her 23 year old, alcoholic uncle.

The author's comments:
I wrote this in behave of all the sexual vitctims that don't speak up, that the abuser can either be in the family or outside. Be aware of everyone.

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